ANSI EIA X12 Process

Use the ANSI EIA X12 API process to automatically export ANSI EIA X12 data.

Process Settings

Below are the settings you must define for the ANSI EIA X12 API process:

Setting Description Sample Value
ProcessID This ID informs Cobra to run the ANSI EIA X12 process. AnsiX12
Project This setting refers to the project where you want to export ANSI X12 data from.

This setting is required.

Demo Advanced
ExportFile This setting refers to the full path and name of the file where data will be stored.

If you omit the path, the file is saved in the Cobra root directory.

If you omit the file name, Cobra uses the project name by default.



AggregatedFTE If value is set to 1, the man power values are exported as summed FTE values. If value is set to 0, the man power values are exported as Hours values.

This setting is optional and the default value is 0.

EnforceConsecutivePeriods If value is set to 1, there must be 6 flagged consecutive periods in the calendar set 19 after the TODATE label to complete the export process.

This setting is optional and the default value is 1.

ExportExtended If value is set to 1 and TransactionSet is 3050, extra data is exported to the export file.

This setting is optional and the default value is 1.

ExportVarianceNarrative If value is set to 1, variance narrative is included in the export file.

This setting is optional and the default value is 1.

ExportCSSR If value is set to 1, data is exported using the CSSR syntax. If value is set to 0, the CPR data is exported.

This setting is optional and the default value is 0.

ExportLevel This setting refers to the level where data is exported.
  • 3 — Use this value to export the data at structure level 3.
  • C — Use this value to export the data at the control account level.
  • W — Use this value to export the data at the work package level.

    You can export data at the work package level only if the actual costs are collected at this level. If the actual costs are not collected at the work package level, an error message is entered in the ANSI EIA X12 log, and the export occurs at the default level.

    This setting is optional.

TransactionSet This setting refers to the transaction set version by which data is exported.

This setting is required.

FilterStructureElements If value is set to 1, the structure files are filtered to contain entries for the data exported. If value is set to 0, all structure entries are exported, even if the entries do not contain data.

This setting is optional and the default value is 1.

LongDate If value is set to 1, dates are exported using the format yyyymmdd instead of yymmdd.

This setting is optional and the default value is 0.

ManpowerUnits This setting determines how manpower values are exported.

Use one of the following values:

  • H — Use this value to export the man power values as Hours.
  • F — Use this value to export the man power values as FTE.

    This setting is optional and the default value is H. This setting is not used if the AggregatedFTE setting is 1.

OBSProjectOfficerCode This setting determines which structure code field to use when exporting the OBS project officer value. If this setting is left blank (the default value), the OBS project officer codes are not exported.

This setting is optional.

OBSCodeFieldId This setting determines which control account code file to use when exporting the OBS structure. If this setting is left blank (the default value), the OBS structure defined against the project is used.

This setting is optional.

COMIncludeInBody If value is set to 1, the COM (Sort code C) values are included in the body of the export file.

This setting is optional and the default value is 0.

COMIncludeInBottomLine If value is set to 1, the G&A (Sort code G) values are included in the body of the export.

This setting is optional and the default value is 0.

GAndAIncludeInBody If value is set to 1, the G&A (Sort code G) values are included in the bottom line of the export file.

This setting is optional and the default value is 1.

GAndAIncludeInBottomLine If value is set to 1, the G&A (Sort code G) values are included in the bottom line of the export file.

This setting is optional and the default value is 0.

OHIncludeInBody If value is set to 1, the OH (Sort code O) values are included in the body of the export file.

This setting is optional and the default value is 1.

OHIncludeInBottomLine If value is set to 1, the OH (Sort code O) values are included in the bottom line of the export file.

This setting is optional and the default value is 0.

SuppressCAM If value is set to 1 and there are CAM values defined for the project, the values are not exported. If the WBSProjectOfficerCode setting or the OBSProjectOfficerCode setting is defined, the CAM values are exported even if this setting is 1.

This setting is optional and the default value is 1.

WBSProjectOfficerCode This setting determines which structure code field to use when exporting the WBS project officer value. If this setting is left blank (the default value), the WBS project officer codes are not exported.

This setting is optional.

WBSCodeFieldId This setting determines which control account code file to use when exporting the WBS structure. If this setting is left blank (the default value), the WBS structure defined against the project is used.

This setting is optional.


Sample Script

Below is a sample script file for the ANSI EIA X12 API process:



Project=Demo Advanced





















